Many professionals, skills, and ideas revolve around the design of each demonstrator. Get to know some of the technical and creative people who are part of Culturgame and make them, along with the rest of the team, part of a shared and successful project.

Maria Emanuela Oddo
Culturgame is the dedication that brings together diverse mechanics, people, knowledge, and skills for a common outcome.

Ludovico Solima
Culturgame is intellectual brilliance and the will to innovate. It proves that gaming is a tangible option for transferring knowledge and reaching new audiences.

Antonio Novellino
Culturgame is innovation. A plurality of technologies, with digital and analogue tools, creates connections among places, people, and ideas.
ETT is a digital and creative industry, leading the creation of experiential communication systems and complex information systems. With its headquarters in Genoa and its offices in Italy and Europe, ETT focuses on the generation and management of the Italian digital cultural heritage, the design of IT systems in the Smart Gov field and integrated systems to connect cities, environments and people from a Smart City perspective.

Adriana ferrari
Project dissemination strategy planning and communication team coordination to ensure a consistent and effective presence throughout the selected channels.

Massimo Russo
Programme coordination and resource management, team communications planning to achieve goals within defined timelines and methods.

Claudio Sparacio
Production management of the phygital elements of off-site games for the Darwin Dohrn Museum and the University Museum of Sassari.
BaxEnergy provides advanced software solutions for the visualization, analysis, control and optimization of energy production plants from renewable sources distributed throughout the world. The company has extensive multi-year domain experience combined with the latest IT technologies to develop next generation intelligent asset management, monitoring and control platforms.
In CULTURGAME, BaxEnergy is responsible for developing the off-site game for the Anton Dohrn Zoological Station in Naples.

Deborah Sipione
Overall project management of costs, timelines, scope and quality, including planning, delegation, monitoring and control.

Davide Vecchio
Design and development team manager, ensuring that outcomes meet the budget and quality requirements agreed upon by the partnership technical management.

Stefano Bosco
Designer of the off-site game application for the Anton Dohrn Zoological Station. Graphic design, from the study of icons through to the user experience.

Giuseppe Tafuri
Off-site game application research, coordination and development activities for the Anton Dohrn Zoological Station.
National Archaeological Museum of Naples
The National Archaeological Museum of Naples is among the oldest and most important in the world for the richness and uniqueness of its heritage and for its contribution to the European cultural panorama. The collections of the Museum have been enriched over the years with the acquisition of finds from excavations in the sites of Campania and Southern Italy and from private collecting.
In CULTURGAME, the National Archaeological Museum of Naples hosts one of the video games, overseeing scientific content, target identification, and audience development results.

Caterina Serena Martucci
Educational experience design, drafting and certifying the video game scientific content, and undertaking project dissemination activities.

Annamaria Di Noia
Designing the educational experience, drafting and verification of video game scientific content and conducting testing activities with the public.

Angela Rita Vocciante
Designing the educational experience, drafting and verification of video game scientific content and conducting testing activities with the public.

Serena Venditto
Designing the educational experience, drafting and verification of video game scientific content and conducting testing activities with the public.

Elisa Napolitano
Drafting and revising informative content, iconographic research and microscopic-image production for the development of on- and off-site games for the University Museum.
An Italian KTI (Knowledge & Technology Intensive) company supplying a unique working blend of diverse skills. With 180 employees operating from Naples and Milan, the company is a top-level reference point for the development of highly innovative projects.
In CULTURGAME, Protom designs and produces the video game created for the National Archaeological Museum of Naples.

Sergio Cotecchia
Strategic planning, research team coordination, resource allocation, output monitoring and assessment.

Giuseppe Santoro
Work team coordination - concept, development, design and administration of the video game for the National Archaeological Museum of Naples.
Red Raion
The studio specialises in the production of Computer Generated Imagery (CGI) content for media-based attractions. Engaging, themed, and high-quality multimedia content is selected and created for Institutions, Museums, Cultural Centres, Tour Operators and Amusement Parks. The company is most notably involved in the creation of 4D, 5D, VR and Dome films, AR and VR applications, as well as video games and serious games. The studio creates in-house content, from pre- to post-production, following a standardised and focused production process.

Sonia Merlo
Responsabile della gestione del progetto e del suo coordinamento amministrativo e tecnico

Marika Montalto
Concept and development of the off-site gaming experience for the University Museum of Sassari.
Anton Dohrn Zoological Station
Founded in 1872, it is one of the most significant marine biology and ecology research institutions. The core mission of this Public Research Institution is to research the fundamental processes of biology, especially marine organisms and their biodiversity, closely linked to the study of their evolution and the dynamics of marine ecosystems.
In CULTURGAME, SZN produces content for the development of on- and off-site games for the Darwin-Dohrn Museum.

Marco Signore
Scientific content for the creation of two games on marine biology (on-site and off-site) developed for the Darwin-Dohrn Museum.

Claudia Gili
Work team coordination for the development of the two games for the Anton Dohrn Zoological Station.
University of Milan - Bicocca

Fabrizia Mantovani
Definition coordination of the theoretical framework of studies and in the concept, protocol definition and the carrying out of experimental studies (in the laboratory and on-site) for UX and human factor verification relating to the use of developed video games.

Federica Pallavicini
Definition supervision of the theoretical framework of studies and in the concept, protocol definition and the carrying out of experimental studies (in the laboratory and on-site) for UX and human factor verification relating to the use of developed video games.

Luca Morganti
Concept, protocol definition and the carrying out of experimental studies (in the laboratory and on-site) for UX and human factor verification relating to the use of technologies.

Viola Nicolucci
Definition and application of a multidimensional and multimethod approach, combining subjective and objective measures.
University of Sassari
Its ten departments, and over 650 professors from universities across Italy, provide both on-site and distance education (e-learning and teledidactics) in humanities and sciences. The university has over forty interdisciplinary research centres and twelve libraries. It prides itself on cooperative study and research relationships with approximately 500 universities participating in the Erasmus Programme.
In CULTURGAME, the Urban Planning and Design Department is responsible for the design and drafting of scientific content for the two games allocated to the University Museum.

Nicolò Ceccarelli
University of Sassari work-team coordination, handling contact with partners and the technical-scientific committee, and creative leadership for the development of the on-site game for the University Museum.

Nađa Beretic
Research and production of design solutions for the development of the on-site game for the University Museum of Sassari.

Antonella Lugliè
Aquatic Ecology group coordination for the scientific content production disseminated through on- and off-site games for the University Museum.

Cecilia Teodora Satta
Drafting and revising informative content, iconographic research, and microscopic-image production for the development of on- and off-site games for the University Museum.

Silvia Pulina
Drafting and revising informative content, iconographic research, and microscopic-image production for the development of on- and off-site games for the University Museum.