ETT s.p.a.
ETT is a digital and creative industry, leading the creation of experiential communication systems and complex information systems. With its headquarters in Genoa and its offices in Italy and Europe, ETT focuses on the generation and management of the Italian digital cultural heritage, the design of IT systems in the Smart Gov field and integrated systems to connect cities, environments and people from a Smart City perspective.
The company offers specific digital solutions in various areas: tourism, cultural and landscape heritage, training, edutainment, corporate communication, setting up spaces and corners, digital publishing, data management and data mining.

BaxEnergy provides advanced software solutions for the visualization, analysis, control and optimization of energy production plants from renewable sources distributed throughout the world. The company has extensive multi-year domain experience combined with the latest IT technologies to develop next generation intelligent asset management, monitoring and control platforms.
In CULTURGAME, BaxEnergy owns the creation of the off-site game for the Anton Dohrn Zoological Station in Naples.

National Archaeological Museum of Naples
The National Archaeological Museum of Naples is among the oldest and most important in the world for the richness and uniqueness of its heritage and for its contribution to the European cultural panorama. The museum consists of private collections acquired or donated to the city over the centuries, such as the Borgia, Santangelo, Stevens, Spinelli collections.
The collections of the Museum have been enriched over the years with the acquisition of finds from excavations in the sites of Campania and Southern Italy and from private collecting. The transfer of the Pinacoteca to Capodimonte in 1957 determines its current appearance as an Archaeological Museum.

Protom is an Italian KTI (knowledge & Technology Intensive) company that offers a unique mix of different skills that work together. Its 180 collaborators work in the offices in Naples and Milan. The company, thanks to its skills together with its R&D cluster, is able to offer its capabilities to very different markets. It boasts collaborations with the most important companies operating in various markets such as ABB, Leonardo, Airbus, Fca, Atr, Hitachi Rail, Accenture, NTT Data, Gi Group, etc.
Thanks to its skills, the Protom company is a reference point for the development of projects with a high rate of innovation.

Red Raion
The Red Raion studio is specialised in the production of CGI (Computer Generated Imagery) content for media-based attractions, i.e. immersive and interactive attractions based on multidimensionality, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). Its mission is to support Institutions, Museums, Cultural Centers, Tour Operators and Amusement Parks in the choice and creation of engaging, themed and high quality multimedia contents for their attractions. More specifically, the company deals with the creation of movies in 4D, 5D, VR and Dome formats, VR and AR applications, and videos
Games and serious games (interactive games made with the use of virtual reality, with specific educational and recreational purposes), focus on the sectors of culture, tourism and health. The studio takes care of content creation in-house, from pre-production to post-production, through a standardized and focused production process.

Anton Dohrn Zoological Station
The Anton Dohrn Zoological Station, founded in 1872, is one of the most important research institutions in the fields of marine biology and ecology. It is a Public Research Body and its primary mission is research on the fundamental processes of biology, with specific reference to marine organisms and their biodiversity, in close connection with the study of their evolution and the dynamics of marine ecosystems.
The Zoological Station is significantly enhancing the popularization and dissemination aspect, both with the establishment of the CAPE department (Care of marine animals and Public Engagement), and with the activation and strengthening of structures open to the public and aimed precisely at dissemination and dissemination. of sciences (historical Aquarium, Darwin Dohrn Museum, Library of the Sea, Marine Farm of Bagnoli, Turtle Point of Portici, Aquarium of Fano).

University of Milan - Bicocca
The University of Milan Bicocca is a multidisciplinary university that offers a wide range of training courses.
The University is strongly committed to the field of research through the implementation of projects in almost all scientific and application fields. The research activity takes place in 14 Departments and over 30 university and inter-university Research Centers in which almost 900 teachers and researchers and around 1,500 young graduates in training (doctoral students, postgraduates and research fellows) work, in collaboration with many important national and international companies. The "Riccardo Massa" Department of Human Sciences for Education was established and activated in January 1999 as the Department of Epistemology and Hermeneutics of Education, thanks to the initiative of a group of teachers and researchers from the pedagogical, historical, philosophical and science areas human and natural that intended to promote the study of educational processes in an interdisciplinary key.

University of Sassari
The university is headquartered in Sassari, and has also activated courses in Alghero, Olbia, Nuoro and Oristano, with a population of about 13,000 students. With its 10 departments and over 650 professors from universities throughout Italy, the University of Sassari offers face-to-face and remote training (e-learning and distance learning) in both the humanities and sciences. The university has over 40 interdisciplinary research centers and 12 libraries, and boasts cooperation relationships for study and research with about 500 universities participating in the Erasmus Program.
The project involves the involvement of the Department of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning, characterized by a varied and articulated research activity.